The latest Gallup poll indicates that proposals for a handgun ban a losing issue for gun control advocates.

Currently, 71 percent of Americans do not support a ban on handguns, while only 28 percent are in favor. Gallup’s historical data highlights that opposition to the private ownership of handguns has been declining steadily since they first began asking the question in 1979.

In 1980, 51 percent of Americans said handguns should be banned. Although there was a five percent gain in support for a handgun ban from 2016, this may well be an outlier resulting from shooting in Orlando and the most recent murders in Las Vegas.

“Still, in the immediate aftermath of mass shootings in recent years, the public has leaned toward more regulation of weapons,” Gallup stated. “This is once again the case. It remains to be seen whether this level of support will hold or, as has happened in the past, will fall away as coverage of the latest incident begins to fade.”

Public opinion regarding gun control, however, was dropped dramatically since 1990. A record-high 78 percent of Americans favored stricter firearm sales in 1990, but dropped to a low of 43 percent by 2011. Now, on the heels of the Las Vegas shooting, support is at 58 percent.

An Oct. 12 Quinnipiac University poll showed similar results to stricter gun control, although levels still don’t reach those found in the 1990s.

“Consistent with every Quinnipiac University poll since February 2013, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Massacre, American voters support 94 – 5 percent requiring background checks for all gun purchases. Voters in gun households support universal background checks 93 – 6 percent.”

Interestingly, the QU poll also found a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say it’s possible to pass new gun laws without interfering with gun rights.

Whether or not the politicos will ever follow suit, well, we’re not as optimistic. Just look at what is being rammed through in California.

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